B lab consulting for startups
  • support to business development
  • support to management control
  • support to internationalization
  • support to fundraising

B lab

Startup Consulting

Fundraising Support

Our service helps startups obtain funding for growth. With experts in fundraising, we identify funding opportunities, develop customized strategies, create effective presentation materials, and provide support in negotiations. We also offer mentoring and networking for long-term success. Contact us today to support your startup in achieving your financial goals.

Business Development Support

Our "Business Development Support for Startups" consulting service offers expert assistance to young businesses looking to accelerate entrepreneurial success. With a team of experienced startup consultants, we provide customized strategic and operational guidance to grow your startup sustainably. We offer in-depth market analysis, business model development, strategic planning, partner connection, performance analysis, and mentoring. Leverage our experience and support network to achieve your entrepreneurial goals in an effective and accelerated manner.

Management Control Support

Our consulting service "Management Control Support for Startups" provides specialized assistance to young emerging businesses and startups. Experienced consultants help startups manage financial resources, develop pricing strategies, implement internal control systems, and provide ongoing training to the management team. The goal is to create a solid foundation for sustainable growth and informed financial decisions.

Internationalization Support

Expand your startup internationally with our Internationalization Consulting Service. We offer market analysis, strategic planning, international marketing, partnership development and risk management. You will receive ongoing support to ensure the success of your expansion. Contact us today to start your path to global success.